La calma è la virtù dei forti – The calm is the virtue of the strong

Friday, March 19, 2010

SAILING . . . Higher

V E L A  ~  S A I L I N G  H I G H E R 

"What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous . . . "  

~ Thomas Merton

The best Mains'l to raise
  for long Journeys of Yourself?
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  

I asked a worthy sailing friend and the reply came swift, went deep, unfurled high. 

"Why, your HigherSelf will always get you where you're going."


"It's compass, it's light, it's a greater trajectory than any GPS insight."

"But why?"

"A journey always takes you farther ~ from your home, from who you were when you first packed that bag (or bags), from who you are when you return. Your HigherSelf is what empowers you. It's Trust vs a wish or a desire or grope for hope. It's pulling from within, to a wellspring of depth already there."

"Well how does it guide me?"

"It's the small quiet voice within.

   The intuitive hunch.

  The deja vu view all over again.

  The gentle nudge in all the right directions.

  The sure wading-in vs fretting ashore.

  The calm, the serene, the soft, the strong.

  The JOY that billows against a blue sky
   feeling summerwinds of a Sinatra song.

  The good intention you never saw coming
   but value the more for acting upon it.

  Imagination. Inklings. 
  Stirrings of the soul. 

  Wisdom. Gratitude. Reach."

"That's a mighty lot of wind to unfurl any sail."

"That's what it's all about. Raising your mains'l, puts your HigherSelf at the helm. There's no overwhelm there ~ it's as natural and invigorating as the salt spray air which graces your face when you laugh into the feel and the speed and the sun and the sea and hold those lines . . . and feel all the more free."

"Will you tell me more?"

"When I return, of course I will, but the wind seems right now. I shall journey."

"Buon Viaggio ~ Good Journey!"

~ Serena Solani

(c) 2010,
Serena Solani

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